Chasing your dream: Madhuli Ajay

With this ‘Chasing your dream’ series yet we have caught good dreams and carved tiny designs on a pencil lead. While introducing these good artists to you we got to know about few more creative people and we are keen to tell you about their art and passion for what they are doing. A few days back when looking for an entrepreneur for this week’s article we came across one blogger from the city and she hardly took a minute to catch our attention with her blogging style and her passion for food and photography. This week we are going to introduce you to someone, who is a freelance recipe developer, food photographer, and a food blogger Ms. Madhuli Ajay!

profile-pic-hr-001Let us give you a little idea what a recipe developer does! A recipe developer defines an idea of any recipe and decided how a final product or dish should taste; And believe us that’s a long procedure as one need to keep on trying and trying to be sure about the results and define a final recipe before one publishes it! Madhuli is an organic Chemist by profession but a food enthusiast with an appetite for almost anything as long it is vegetarian. Through her virtual Kitchen ‘My Foodcourt’ she has shared her culinary experiments and heirloom recipes for more than 10 years. On My Foodcourt, you will find simple comfort food recipes, some authentic while some with a fusion twist inspired by the local flavors. Madhuli designs, test, write recipes and take photos of her delicious food.

Like most the people Madhuli’s primary cooking lessons started in her Mom’s kitchen. She says “We are a family of cooks! My Dad, Mom & brother are excellent cooks so you can say cooking is in my genes!”

A decade ago she discovered this wonderland called ‘Food blogging’ which opened up a world of deliciousness for her. What started as an online journal to document some heirloom recipes has now become a showcase of her culinary creativity. Madhuli left her job 3 years ago and now she is a full-time blogger, recipe developer, and food photographer. It’s been ten+ years now Madhuli is doing food blogging and a few years back she started developing recipes for different brands and some of her local clients. While sharing the best moments of her journey as food blogger Madhuli says, Reading blog reader’s comments and knowing that I might have inspired someone to venture into the kitchen is a reward in itself. Having said that, I have been fortunate that many of my recipes have been appreciated & won accolades on different online forums. Also being declared as ‘India’s top blogger’ @betterbutter and on another platform well-known food critic Marryam Reshii saying that my fusion recipe (Borscht with Golay) deserves a noble prize, are a couple of my most treasured moments in this journey so far!”.

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She adds, “Cooking or Baking is a form of meditation for me. I am the happiest when I am in my Food Lab. Harmonizing flavors, creating textures, exploring global cuisine excites me. Local fresh produce or some typical ingredient brought back from my travels inspires me to cook.”

Not only Madhuli’s wonderful recipes seek your attention but her food photography too. Madhuli has fond of collecting cool photography props and use them with the food photos she captures. with her professional skills and the delicious food, she captures you start drooling and feel hungry even after the full stomach. Madhuli’s simple funda of being original, inspired and not copying to the internet makes her photograph more beautiful.

Currently, Madhuli is contributing to the well-known website Archana’s kitchen and working with a big brand like Del Monte as a recipe developer.

While achieving success in industry and getting recognized by people around the world. Madhuli talks about the support from her own city Nashik and says, “Food blogging was unheard of when I started blogging eons ago but now everyone is warming up to it. I still need to explain what exactly recipe developer, food photographer does, since it is a comparatively an untrodden path.” While growing every day Madhuli keeps a vision to make a significant contribution to the ever expanding food culture, explore the fascinating regional cuisine of India and to travel the world!

We Wish the best for Madhuli. Good luck to her to continue to learn and grow as a recipe developer and contribute more and more to food culture. We have no doubt that she will make all of us proud as she has always! You may visit her blog and know more about her on below links provided.





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